The Product

XEC® Datavault has been securing production data since 1995. This Umbrella interface system utilizes the Hogan system delivered security exits to interface with the enterprise data security system for access control. This is good news to the customer, the bank and the auditors!

XEC development has consumed five man-years to date. The system contains 28 online maps, 36 individual programs totaling 90,000 lines of code (not including copybooks and macros). The system design is a technician's dream, leaving little to be desired. We developed a proprietary tabling method for efficient data throughput. You will find that processing is fast and efficient.

XEC code stands alone. This means that Hogan code remains vanilla, and XEC can be secured by your enterprise data security system apart from the Hogan databases and applications.

XEC gains control when Umbrella executes a security exit that has been switched on. Any number of exits may be utilized. For example, control is passed to XEC for security processing before a screen display, after a screen deblock, before a PASS message is sent to the workstation platform or after a message is returned to the host, to name a few. If XEC finds the activity is secured, a call to the enterprise security system is made for access authorization.

XEC allows you to customize your security process. The XEC security control records determine when a call to your data security system is required for access authority. These XEC control records are customized to meet the security requirements of your institution and may be effective dated. They are table driven so that security access changes are dynamic and independent of any programming effort: no compiles are required.

XEC allows unique rule sets
for your different system environments - Development, System Integration, Acceptance or Production. This allows you to secure the Acceptance and/or Production environments while opening up the testing environments for your development teams.

Testing secured activity with XEC is flexible. We provide a table for logon IDs that executes XEC security calls in a testing mode while all other logons bypass XEC security completely. This allows you to ensure that XEC and your data security system are securing the user activity correctly without impacting other development going on in the region.

XEC pleases the Hogan users by resolving the long-standing Security White Paper issues.